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cooloc, a web app to manage expenses in a colocation

Being part of a colocation is great, but managing expenses can be difficult. Who paid for the last groceries? Who ate what and when ? We has to figure out a way to manage all of this in a fair and easy way.

That's why I started to develop cooloc. In this web app, you add your roommates and each month you add :

  1. the expenses you made for the colocation
  2. the number of meals you ate at home

At the end of the month, cooloc calculates how much each roommate has to pay or be paid. It also shows you the balance of each roommate.

Everything was hosted on Heroku and the database was a MySQL database. Sadly Heroku no longer has a free plan, and as we all moved out, the app isn't online anymore.

Here are some screenshots of the app :

  • The month balances :
  • The expenses :