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annotation-app, a web-app to annotate image with sensorial infos

This project was part of my 2 months internship at Liris during summer 2022. My mission was to develop a web app to allow users to annotate scanned documents with sensorial data. The documents were from the city of Lyon (France) in the 18th century.

The app, called annotation-app, allow users to :

  1. visualize scanned documents in a web browser
  2. annotate scanned pages with sensorial data and transcribe the text
  3. save their work and share it with all the users
  4. display sensorial statistics about the documents

The app was developed with Node and React for the front-end and Python and Flask for the back-end.

The code is available on Github.


Here is the document view :


We can see all the pages this document is composed of and for each page, sensorial statistics can be displayed. This stats are computed from the annotations made by the users on each page.

There is also stats about the document as a whole. For example, we can see the most used sensorial words in the document and the most found senses.

This development and research was part of the SYSTESENS project at Liris.

Used technologies :

  • Front : Node, React
  • Back : Python, Flask
  • Github, Docker